Bugün birlikte kendimize şekersiz bir dondurma yaptık - itiraf etmeliyim ki bu dondurma dışarıdakilerden çok daha sağlıklı ve lezzetli. Ayrıca inanılmaz kolay! Eminim ki okuyanlar mutlaka deneyecektir - ve de o paketli, glükoz ve katkı maddesi dolu pisliği çocuklarına bir daha asla satın almayacaklardır! Tarif inek sütü alerjisi olan çocuklar için de uygundur.
1 fazla olgunlaşmamış muz (önceden buzlukta en az 3 saat dondurulmuş)
1 kivi
20 ml ev yapımı hindistan cevizi sütü(veya keçi sütü/kefir)
Süslemek için ezilmiş badem parçaları
Muz, kivi ve h. cevizi sütünü blenderdan geçirin, bademlerle süsleyin ve hemen tadını çıkarın!
Since childhood, ice cream always had a special place in my life. Most of my childhood memories are about ice cream: my hopeless waiting at a deserted beach for the ice cream man, my grandmother's discovery of empty ice cream packages in my drawers, the way i enjoyed my ice cream with such extensive care while other kids kept dropping them on the ground. I never did. This love continued throughout my life, I remember having a fight with my then boyfriend - now husband - just because he didn't buy me ice cream in the middle of winter.He had claimed it was too cold to eat ice cream - as if it's possible. My daughter seems to follow my footsteps. So, together we made our own sugar free ice cream - which is way healthier and I have to admit much more delicious than any other ice cream. Plus its super easy! I'm sure those who read will definitely try it - and won't buy their children that packaged, glucose and additive filled filth ever again! This recipe is also fitting with kids with cow milk allergy.
Ingredients:(Recipe for 2)
1 raw banana (frozen for at least 3 hours in the freezer)
1 kiwi
20 ml homemade coconut milk(or goat milk/kefir)
Crushed almonds to decorate
Blend banana, kiwi and coconut milk in a food processor, decorate and enjoy immediately!
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